
Kirk Barney April 8, 2023

The hyper-potent narcotic fentanyl has been in the headlines a lot recently, yet few people realize its true lethality. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, which theoretically can be legally prescribed, but the large percentage of fentanyl being abused currently is illicitly produced in China or locally and marketed on the black market or the streets […]

Jean Morgan January 24, 2023

Probiotic supplements are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative health remedy. Our bodies naturally contain beneficial bacteria that help to maintain our overall health, but sometimes these bacteria can become unbalanced due to lifestyle, diet, and other environmental factors. Probiotic supplements are designed to help re-balance the bacteria in our bodies and provide a range […]

Sharon Wright August 25, 2022

CBD oils and other products have seen a surge in demand ever since cannabis was given the green light for legalisation around the globe, including in Canada. It is well recognised that the chemical is beneficial in treating the symptoms of a variety of ailments and diseases, including chronic pain and depression. Numerous businesses in […]

Deborah Patterson August 6, 2022

The chemical that is most easily recognised in the marijuana plant is Tetrahydrocannabinol. Additional THC analogues are being found as researchers delve further into the study of marijuana. Delta 8 Marijuana, a softer, less addictive variant of delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol that is typically found in most cannabinoids, is one of the trendiest issues in the […]

Sharon Wright August 6, 2022

If you’ve struggled to pack on muscle or build strength even after years of weight training, one possible solution is in your pantry. Best post workout supplements for muscle growth can be a handy addition to your workout routine, but they’re not something you should take without being wholly educated on the topic. Supplements come in all […]

Robert McDonald July 6, 2022

Recovery is a lifelong endeavor that does not end with the completion of treatment. Long-term recovery depends on alumni involvement since it keeps everyone participating in the process connected and renews their energies and spirit. Is It Essential to Continue Being Connected After Addiction Recovery? Relapse is a key issue for the vast majority of […]

Sharon Wright July 5, 2022

For individuals in recovery, the holidays could be a time of pleasure and celebration, but they can also be a period of fear, worry, and even relapse. Your loved one’s recovery and your enjoyment of the holidays are intertwined, and you must find the perfect balance.  Some ways you can help recovering loved ones include: […]

Clare Louise April 19, 2022

The use and abuse of performance-enhancing drugs have become a highly contentious issue in contemporary society. The media and the general public typically view these substances negatively for a variety of reasons, including steroid use is associated with a number of major health risks; athletes who use steroids are seeking an “unfair” advantage; athletes who […]

Clare Louise April 12, 2022

Having smooth and unified skin is ideal for keeping you young and healthy. However, the marks and blemishes on your face that your skin accumulates are undeniable proof of the passage of time and of the wisdom you are acquiring! Dermatologists refer to these darker spots that appear on the skin as localized hyperpigmentation. It […]

Deborah Patterson January 1, 2022

Due to the relaxed laws banning cannabis use for medical purposes and recreational purposes, cannabidiol (cbd), oil has grown in popularity on the mainstream markets. Cbd has moved beyond being an oil for anxiety or depression to become a much more versatile product. Cbd gummies now exist, and they taste as good as cbd oil. Are cbd […]