DecaDurabolin also known as NandroloneDecanoate is a popular and most widely used anabolic steroid for mass gaining and bulking. This anabolic steroid comprises of the steroidal hormone Nandrolone and it is attached to the Decanoate ester. Nandrolone hormone is developed in the year 1962 for commercial purposes. This hormone was first developed by Oregano with the trade name DecaDurabolin. Later, many Nandrolone Decanoate versions have arrived in the drug market, but DecaDurabolin remained best and most reputed. This DecaDurabolin is mostly used by performance enhancing athletes. The usage of this steroid is limited in the U.S. for many years but other than the U.S, in remaining countries, this steroid is more popularly used in therapeutic treatment plans. However, at present Deca durabolin for sale in the USA is legal, if you have prescription from a doctor.
Alike anabolic steroids, the over usage of DecaDurabolin also leads to severe side effects such as prostate enlargement, heart attack, menstrual problems, edema, prostate enlargement, menstrual problems and a few more. This steroid should not be used by children and pregnant or breastfeeding females and also by those who are allergic to the ingredients present in the steroid. This steroid is also not recommended to those who are administered with anticoagulants or the medicines that are used to prevent blood clots or for treating diabetes or for treating anemia. For many years, Decadurabolin for sale in the USA was banned but now this steroid can be shipped to US from many online sites. You should keep in mind that, you have to choose trustable source to buy as many online sites leave you with fraud products.
The shelf life of this steroid is 5 to 6 years and the steroid must be stored at a controlled room temperature of 20°C to 25°C that is from 68°F to 77°F. Deca Durabolin dosage depends on the user’s goal. If you are using DecaDurabolin for bulking cycles, then average dose of the steroid ranges between 600 mg per week to 700 mg per week. However, experienced male steroid users, take even the dosage of 800 mg per week. The dosage between 400 mg per week and 600 mg per week can also provide the user with incredible strength and muscle mass retention. DecaDurabolin is preferred more by athletes as it offers joint pain relief and muscle pain relief during these cycles.
For Cutting purpose, the minimum dosage of DecaDurabolin would be 400mg per week and maximum dosage would be 600 mg per week. For Strength purpose, the minimum dosage of DecaDurabolin would be 200mg per week and maximum dosage would be 400 mg per week. Exceeding maximum dosages for extended periods cause adverse side effects on the health.
If you are a new user to DecaDurabolin, then you should stack Deca only with the testosterone. If you have never used testosterone also for performance enhancement, then you should try a testosterone alone cycle before starting DecaDurabolin. DecaDurabolin dosage should be started with 100mg in the first week which should be increased to 200 mg in the second week and finally to 300 mg in the third week, increase the dose to 300 mg and hold it there for a few weeks.