Oak is one of the most favorite materials that are used as flooring in modern homes. But it doesn’t mean that it can’t give a traditional look to your home. Home enthusiasts spend much time thinking about how to make their home a sight and flooring is the first place their attention goes to. Making the floor decorative and appealing makes the whole house a sight to see. You will be shocked to see how much of a difference the wood flooring planks can make to transform the old rustic home into something wholly different.
Oak planks give an old classic look to your home like in the 1860s. If you also want your home to accomplish this character, then handcrafted oak planks may be what you need. There are many stores both online and offline from which you can buy handcrafted oak floorings. Among them, hand finished heritage oak planks from Reclaimed Flooring Co. are the best in terms of quality of finish and price.
Reclaimed Flooring Co. has the widest range of heritage oak floorings with unique polishing and hand cut for perfection in quality. No artificial solvent is used for polishing this wood and only the natural material is used. This ensures that the appearance of the wood stays authentic and feels as natural as possible. The wood specialists carefully handcraft the heritage floor planks so that it feels truly historic and lend depth to the color.
The artists make unique hand hewn markings on each of these hand finished oak floor planks. No power tools are used for this purpose. All of the work is done by manual labor which can be seen through the beauty of each plank. This type of beauty cannot be achieved by machines or other tools. That’s why, if you want to make good use of your money on renovating your home flooring, then handcrafted heritage oak planks from Reclaimed Flooring Co. is the best.