Transplantation of a deceased donor’s liver
You’ll be asked to come to the hospital right away if you’re told a liver from a deceased donor is available. The health-care team will admit you to the hospital and Dr. Gupta along with his well experienced team of doctors will conduct an examination to ensure that you are fit for surgery. You’ll be sedated during the operation since liver transplant surgery is performed under general anesthesia.
“To access your liver, the transplant surgeon makes a long incision through your abdomen. The extent and position of your incision depends on your surgeon’s technique and your anatomy.” As stated by Dr. Gaurav Gupta who is known for the best liver transplant in Mumbai.
The surgeon removes the diseased liver and replaces it with a donor liver. Your blood vessels and bile ducts are then linked to the donor liver by the surgeon. Depending on various factors, your surgery in Fortis hospital, Mumbai can take up to 12 hours.
The surgeon closes the surgical incision with stitches and staples until the new liver is in place. After that, you’ll be transferred to an intensive care unit to continue your recovery.
Transplantation of the liver from a living donor
Your surgery will be arranged in advance if you are awaiting a liver transplant from a living donor. Surgeons begin by operating on the donor, extracting the portion of the liver that will be used in the transplant. The diseased liver is then removed, and the donated liver part is implanted in your body. The new liver is then linked to your blood vessels and bile ducts.
The transplanted liver component in your body, as well as the portion left in the donor’s body, regenerate quickly, returning to normal volume within a few weeks.
After the liver transplant
You should expect to spend a few days in the intensive care unit after your liver transplant at Fortis Hospital, Mumbai which is one of the best liver transplant hospitals in Mumbai,India. Dr. Gupta along with other doctors and nurses will keep an eye on you for any signs of complications. They’ll also check your liver function on a regular basis to see if your new liver is functioning properly.
Stay in the hospital for 5 to 10 days. If you’ve reached a state of stability, you’ll be transferred to a transplant rehab center to continue your recovery.
As you continue to heal at home, see your doctor on a regular basis. For you, the transplant team creates a checkup schedule. You can have blood tests a few times per week at first, then less often as time goes by.
Medications must be used for the rest of your life. After your liver transplant, you’ll be on a variety of drugs, some of which will last the rest of your life. Immunosuppressants are medications that prevent your immune system from destroying your new liver. Other medications can help you avoid complications after your transplant.
After your liver transplant surgery, you can expect to be fully healed in six months or longer. After a few months, you might be able to resume regular activities or return to work. “The length of time it takes you to recover is likely to be determined by how sick you were prior to the liver transplant.”- Says Dr. Gaurav Gupta.
Nutrition and diet
It’s particularly important to eat a well-balanced diet after your liver transplant to help you recover and keep your liver healthy.
A nutrition specialist (dietitian) is a part of our transplant team at Fortis Hospital, Mumbai and will address your nutritional and dietary requirements as well as answer any questions you may have during the procedure.
After a liver transplant, your diet should be low in sodium, cholesterol, fat, and sugar.
It’s important to stay away from alcohol to avoid harming your new liver. Do not consume alcoholic drinks or cook with them.
Your dietitian will also give you some nutritious food choices and suggestions to incorporate into your diet.
The following are some of your dietitian’s suggestions:
- Each day, consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables.
- Since grapefruit and grapefruit juice interact with a group of immunosuppressive drugs, they should be avoided.
- Getting enough fiber in your diet on a regular basis.
- Selecting whole grains over refined foods.
- It is important to consume low-fat or fat-free dairy products in order to maintain optimum calcium and phosphorus levels.
- Include lean meats, poultry, and fish in your diet.
- Observing food safety regulations.
- Drinking enough water and other fluids each day to stay hydrated.
Exercise and physical activity
After a liver transplant, exercise and physical activity should be a daily part of your life to maintain your overall physical and mental health.
You should walk as much as possible after your transplant. Then, based on how well you’re doing, you can begin to incorporate more physical activity into your everyday routine.
Walking, bicycling, swimming, low-impact strength training, and other physical activities that you enjoy can all be incorporated into a safe, active lifestyle after transplant. However, before beginning or modifying your post-transplant exercise routine, consult with your transplant team.