Already bought your first MacBook Pro? There is no doubt that the moment you read the specs and features, you were instantly convinced to get one for personal use. And now that you have been using it for some time now, it just goes dead and will not turn on. The first thing you do is try to power it back on. And if it doesn’t respond, then it can be caused by a couple of issues.
RAM Issues.
When you try to turn it back on and the MacBook beeps three times, then it can be a RAM issue. Maybe there is insufficient RAM to boot or it is faulty. Access the RAM slots and make sure it’s installed. Reset, then try again. If it still doesn’t work, try one chip at a time. If none of these works, then it can be the logic board.
Bad Motherboard.
If the I/O motherboard is faulty, you will not be able to boot your MacBook Pro. When the power adapter does not light up, it can be a symptom of a bad I/O board that needs replacement. This does not apply though with power adapters that do not have lights. In this case, then you need to find an expert in macbook pro repair.
Faulty Power Adapter.
When the power adapter is bad, the battery will not charge. Thus, you will not be able to power it back on. And when the battery’s charge is too low, then it would be difficult to continue with the troubleshooting. Try borrowing another battery or power adapter to continue. If you still have the same problem, then it can still be the left I/O board. When the same problem happens with a fully charged battery, most likely the problem is with the logic board.
Thermal Sensor Problems.
If the MacBook does not turn on but the fans are running at high RPMs, then there is a huge possibility that there are problems with the thermal sensors. But first, you need to ensure that the thermal sensors are plugged in. and once they are, try replacing them if you have a spare. Once this does not fix the issue, the problem goes back to the logic board.
Damaged Logic Board.
If you have tried all of the troubleshooting steps above and the MacBook Pro will still not power on, then the problem is with the faulty logic board. In this case, it is best to call an expert to have it replaced. Get in touch with your trusted computer technician to find out your options. But most likely, you will be advised to have the logic board replaced. And usually, this resolves other MacBook Pro issues other than the failure to power back on.
It is crucial that you also take the time to understand the most common MacBook Pro issues. Learn the basic troubleshooting that you can do on your own before you call the technician for help. However, if you are not sure that you are doing this right, then it is best to bring it to your trusted MacBook Pro repair specialist.