The magical appeal, rarity timeless beauty makes pearls the most desirable ornaments for scepters, crowns, and royal jewelry through centuries. Let us learn about some of these varieties of ancient pearls.
The Hope Pearl
This pearl has its name after the owner, Henry Philip Hope. This is the largest and most popular natural pearl that has ever been discovered. It has weighs nearly 1800 grams, which is about 4 ounces. Clicking here will get you know more about the history of pearls.
This pearl has different shades in it i.e., greenish-gold color on one end and white color on the other side. It has the shape of a water droplet with blisters on it. The entire length of this pearl is two inches by four inches.
The Huerfana
This is the most renowned pearl piece recognized in the jewels of Spanish Crown. The Huerfana was discovered in the shell located at the Panama Gulf. Its perfect shape, large size and brilliant luster makes it a royal piece. Unfortunately, this pearl was destroyed due to fire in the Spanish palace in the 18th century.
The Gogibus Pearl
Spain’s ruler Phillip IV bought this stunning 126 carat pearl from a merchant named Gogibus in the year 1620. At that time, this pearl was known to be the largest of all the other pearls present in the jewellery market. The Gogibus Pearl has the shape of a pear and it was discovered on the coastal regions of the West Indies.
The Arco Valley Pearl
This is another famous pearl on our list that was offered to the Chinese emperor “Khubilai Khan” by Marco Polo. This pearl has the weight of 575 carats and was seen in white color with brown and pink overtones.
The Charles I Pearl
England’s Prince King Charles I was the owner of this spectacular pearl. This pearl can’t be seen now as it is lost. In those days, he could be seen wearing this large pearl in the form of drop earring in one of his ears.
All of the above mentioned pearls were known for their royal and classy appearance. They have secured a significant place in history.