Most women experience heavy periods, terrible menstrual cramps, and uncomfortable sex occasionally. Unfortunately, for a significant percentage of women of childbearing age, these symptoms might signal something more severe, known as endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disorder where the endometrial tissue, which is the uterus lining, grows outside the uterus, and into surrounding organs, including the bladder, bowels, and fallopian tubes. Every month, during menses, this tissue gets swollen, causing many uncomfortable symptoms. With time, endometriosis Boynton Beach results in tissue scarring and even infertility. Here are some warning signs to watch out for to help you spot endometriosis in its early stages.
1. Heavy Menses
Every woman has a unique menstrual cycle. What is normal for you is not necessarily normal for somebody else. These differences could render it difficult to determine when your symptoms signify something more severe.
Heavy menstrual flows are quite a prevalent concern, but it is not normal. Heavy flows could be an indication of endometriosis or another curable gynecological concern. So, how do you determine if your periods are heavy?
Heavy flows are characterized by menses lasting more than seven days, soaking tampons or pads in under an hour, and changing tampons or pads at night. You also have heavy menses if you pass blood much bigger than a quarter, and experience associated symptoms like nausea and/or vomiting. Do not hesitate to talk to your doctor if these concerns ring a bell.
2. Serious Menstrual Cramps
Another potential indication of endometriosis is serious menstrual cramping. Most women suffer cramps during their monthly cycles, but intense cramps might signify an underlying concern like endometriosis.
Your menstrual cramps are severe if you often experience cramps that sideline you from everyday activities, and cramps accompanied by heavy bleeding. These intense cramps might also not fade away despite using over-the-counter pain medications.
If you suffer any of these concerns or your cramping begins nearly a week before your menses and persists during your period, you should see a specialist. Long-lasting or serious cramps are a telltale sign of endometriosis.
3. Chronic Pelvic Discomfort
Endometriosis could trigger heavy, painful periods. However, this pain does not disappear once your period ends. Since endometriosis patches trigger swelling across the pelvic area, pelvic discomfort might be chronic for women with endometriosis.
You might experience discomfort in the lower back or lower abdomen anytime during your cycle. Besides, endometriosis could cause discomfort during and following sexual intercourse and during bowel movements and urination.
4. Bleeding Between Cycles
You might suffer irregular menses or bleeding between your periods if you got endometriosis. This bleeding could be light, commonly known as “spotting.” Nevertheless, the bleeding can also be heavy and seem like a menstrual flow even though it does not align with your cycle.
5. Infertility
Endometriosis is a significant cause of infertility in women. In fact, most women initially discover they have the condition as they pursue therapy for fertility issues.
Regardless of whether you have other endometriosis symptoms, it could cause infertility. The endometriosis patches might develop on the fallopian tubes or ovaries, disrupting fertilization, ovulation, and implantation processes.
Endometriosis manifests differently in various people. Some women might experience no symptoms, and only find out about the condition once they experience pregnancy difficulties, whereas others suffer significant pain. Unfortunately, since endometriosis is a progressive disorder, symptoms begin as mild and gradually worsen. Besides, the similarity between most endometriosis symptoms and period pain causes many people to go undiagnosed. Therefore, always look out for early warning signs and seek treatment immediately. Based on the seriousness of your condition, your doctor may suggest treatments such as medications, or even surgery.