Have you wondered how professional consultants got their job? Do they finish degree courses? Or, they only take a short course like a vocational degree to become a consultant. The ivy league consulting helps aspiring consultants to become certified ones and push through their interest to become professionals in the field.
Learn the different types of consultants and decide which field of expertise you want to become.
Types of consultants
If you are still undecided about what field to focus on in your consulting specialty. The consultancy industry is a diverse market in the professional services industry. Therefore, the different types of consultants are present in the industry. Being a consultant has no protected professional title that makes it possible for anyone to claim a title for themselves, such as:
- strategy
- management
- business
- finance
- HR
- IT consultant
It is given that the areas a consultant can operate and the various workplaces a consultant can access. There has been a sharp rise in the number of independent consultants in the past few years. A huge thanks to consulting schools that are providing good graduates of certified consultants.
Strategy Consultant
A strategy consultant operates at the highest level of consultancy with a focus on strategic topics, such as:
- corporate and organizational strategy
- economic policy
- government policy
- functional strategy
Strategy consultants carry out work assigned by the top managers, such as:
- CxOs
- directors
- senior managers
Management consultant
Management consultants are known in different terms, such as:
- business consultants
- organizational advisors
Management consultants focus on all types of organizational concerns. Management consultants handle different services, such as:
- Strategy Consulting
- Operations Consulting
- HR Consulting
Operations consultant
Operations consultants help clients enhance the performance of their operations.
Financial advisory consultant
Consultants operating in the financial advisory segment work on questions addressing financial capabilities and analytical capabilities in an organization. Financial advisory consultants vary in different expertise:
- M&A
- Corporate finance advisors
- Risk management
- Tax restructuring
- Real estate consultancy
Consultants specialized in support disputes and forensic research fall under the financial advisory segment.
Human resource consultant
Human Resource consultant helps clients with human capital questions in the organizations and with enhancing the performance of the HR department. The top topics focused by the HR consultants are:
- organizational changes
- change management
- terms of employment
- learning and development
- talent management
- retirement
HR consultants brought in by companies to help change the business culture in their company or transform the HR department, including:
- changes in the area of corporate design
- processes and systems
HR and strategy consulting form the two smallest segments of the consultancy business.
IT Consultant
Technology consultants are also called by different terms, such as:
- IT
- digital consultants
The majority of the ICT consultants are working on the execution of projects. For example, extensive ERP systems apps. It is where the role of the consultant changes from project management to process system integration and process management. In IT consulting, the fast-growing markets are:
- digital
- data analytics
- cyber security
- IT forensics
If you are a consultant aspirant, you can take these fields from the Ivy League consulting.