Going through a divorce is the most difficult phase of anyone’s life, and it is quite important to select a divorce lawyer Singapore so that you can go through this time conveniently and put forward facts during the case. There are various lawyers available however it becomes a lot important to choose someone who can fight your case just the way you want and also fits into your budget. Below mentioned are some of the criteria which should be kept in mind to take a wise decision.
While making selection of the divorce lawyer singapore, it is important to give importance to his experience in this field. An experienced lawyer will be aware of the tendency of a judge and will do everything to turn the case into your favor. These lawyers are specialized in their fields and with experience they gain knowledge to handle cases relating to different issues. It is always recommended to choose experienced lawyers to increase the chances of winning the case. While scanning experience of a lawyer, you can also go through his success rate just to find out if he had been successful in his cases just to make out your chances of winning the case.
Feedback from past clients
Before you make a decision of hiring any lawyer for your case, it is important that you check or get some feedback from the existing clients of the lawyer. Divorce can get really worse if you do the mistake of choosing an incorrect lawyer, if in case you are not aware of any client handled by the lawyer then you can ask for client list from the lawyer itself. Having complete confidence in your lawyer is quite an important thing, because this helps in building up trust on him and most importantly on the case.
If you have gone through reviews of the client, you might have found that the most common complaint of a client is they are not able to communicate with the lawyers. So before appointing anyone it is quite necessary to check if lawyer encourages communication and if he regularly answers his emails or phone calls. However if you find that lawyer maintains a gap in between then he should be avoided to be appointed because this can really make things difficult for the client and he may lose grip on his case.
Budget is another important constraint, and it is quite an important thing to consider. While hiring any lawyer, it is important to be sure about his charges and if same are within your budget or not. Also check up with the lawyer or his staff if there are any hidden charges which have to be borne later on. These things can be discussed in the initial consultation to avoid any sort of confusions and you should also inquire the method of charging fees. Some lawyers levy fees on the basis of number of hearing while some may charge a lump sum amount.
Level of comfort
It is important for the client and divorce lawyer to share a comfort level such that they can discuss minutest details of the case, and most importantly the client should be free enough to discuss private affairs of his marriage which are important to be disclosed while fighting a divorce case. Hence it is quite essential to look up for someone with whom you are comfortable, and can trust him to discuss your private affairs. The above mentioned are some of the essential factors which should be kept in mind while selecting a lawyer for divorce case. These tips will help you cope up with difficult times and fight your case using fair and just methods such that innocent party gets justice.