English is a compulsory subject in Singapore’s curriculum and substantially impacts how students’ O levels scores are calculated. A high grade can increase a student’s chances of getting into their ideal school and programme, while a bad grade can reduce their L1-R5 computation.
This is why English is a subject that many secondary schools place a lot of emphasis on. But everyone develops at their rate. For example, a student who is knowledgeable about the issue might be able to take up the essay writing ideas right away. On the other hand, another learner might have trouble and need more in-depth instruction to understand the concepts.
Unfortunately, as the school year draws to a close, graduating student will have a busy schedule reviewing their work, and teachers in charge of classes with more than 30 students might not have time to help a difficult student.
To offer their children the best opportunity of succeeding in the subject and earn a decent mark, it is typical to see many Singaporeans enrol their kids in O-level English tutoring sessions.
Even though tuition lessons are beneficial, your youngster can still worry a little over the forthcoming O Level tests. Do not worry if you share your child’s worries. To help your child efficiently prepare for the English O Level exams, allow me to give three helpful recommendations.
Your youngster will need to study for the upcoming O Level exams in more than just English. Additionally, your youngster may feel overworked given the variety of subjects they need to review. Therefore, your child must create a study programme to maximise their revision helpfully.
A decent grade depends on time management since if your child is continually pressed for time, their revision will probably be haphazard, and they will miss out on key themes and concepts.
Your child may better organise their time, keep track of their revision, and make sure they do all of their coursework on time by following a study schedule. Additionally, studying in tiny doses throughout a period is more productive than cramming.
Understandably, an English teacher cannot set a time to work with each student individually when more than thirty pupils are in the class each day. However, this is where having an O Level English tutor can help since your child can ask their teacher questions and get answers.
These tutors may spend more time helping their pupils identify and improve their weak areas because they have a smaller class size to manage. However, these instructors also routinely stay current and are knowledgeable about the O Level curriculum, enabling them to provide their pupils with helpful advice on how to do well on their essay writing or oral test.
The best revision tool for your child is the 10-YEAR SERIES.
When preparing their pupils for the approaching O Level exams, many English teachers and O Level English tutors turn to the 10-year series as their go-to revision resource. While the many modules and questions in the O Level exams will vary slightly, the primary curriculum is generally the same. Therefore, your youngster can determine how well-prepared they are for their future exams by working on the 10-year-series.
You and your child might wish to read over the offered answers as you work through the 10-year series to spot any frequent errors your youngster might be making. The most frequent mistakes pupils make include tenses, subject/verb agreement, and singular and plural nouns. Your youngster can prevent making the same mistakes throughout exams by recognising them and learning from them.